Diário de Bordo
Irlanda - Dublin
There’s an App for That! ...
Pedro Carvalho
Dia 1
Dia de apresentação do formador e dos formandos, dos países e escolas de cada um.
Dia 2
Anyone can use Quizlet to study and learn content created by other users, or to create your own custom study sets. You can also share sets with friends, classmates or your students. The best way to get started on Quizlet as a student or a teacher is to search for sets made by other Quizlet users.
Microsoft OneNote is a computer program for free-form information gathering and multi-user collaboration. It gathers users' notes (handwritten or typed), drawings, screen clippings and audio commentaries. Notes can be shared with other OneNote users over the Internet or a network.
Dia 3
Edmodo is an educational website that takes the ideas of a social network and refines them and makes it appropriate for a classroom. Using Edmodo, students and teachers can reach out to one another and connect by sharing ideas, problems, and helpful tips.
Evernote is an app designed for note taking, organizing, tasks lists, and archiving. The app allows users to create notes which can be a piece of formatted text, a webpage or webpage excerpt, a photograph, a voice memo, or a handwritten "ink" note.
LyricsTraining is an easy and fun way to learn and improve your foreign languages skills, through the music videos and the lyrics of your favorite songs.
LyricsTraining also has a special Karaoke mode that lets you sing and enjoy the full lyrics
Dia 4
Kahoot! is a tool for using technology to administer quizzes, discussions or surveys.
It is a game based classroom response system played by the whole class in real time. Multiple choice questions are projected on the screen. Students answer the questions with their smartphone, tablet or computer.
App Inventor for Android is an open-source web application originally provided by Google, and now maintained by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It allows newcomers to computer programming to create software applications for the Android operating system (OS).
Dia 5
Resumo de aprendizagens
Here is the list of the useful Apps we explored during the course to make student learning awesome! https://trello.com to create digital boards to keep track of everything https://products.office.com/it-IT/onenote a digital note-taking App https://quizlet.com/ makes simple learning tools that let your students study any subject in an engaging way https://www.edmodo.com/ is an easy way to get your students connected so they can safely collaborate, get and stay organized, and access assignements, grades, and school messages https://evernote.com/ lets organize your work and declutter your life https://lyricstraining.com/ enjoy learning languages for free playing with the music video and filling in the lyrics of your favourite songs http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/front.html to learn how to design and build mobile Apps https://kahoot.com/ is a game-based platform that makes learning awesome https://edpuzzle.com/ is an incredible-easy-to-use video platform that helps teachers save time, boost classroom engagement and improve student learning through video lessons.
Dia 6
Dia de passeio para conhecer melhor a Irlanda
Cliffs of Moher
e Galway
Todos os dias
Jantar no John Kavanagh - The Gravediggers, excelente Pub Irlandês junto ao famoso cemitério de Dublin. Excelente companhia das colegas de curso.
A arte de tirar a melhor Guinness do mundo...
... e a arte de a beber!
As aulas diárias.
Um brinde a cada dia fantástico que passei na Irlanda.