Diário de Bordo

Espanha - Jaén

>English & Methodology: A 21st Century Approach for English Teachers

Maria Antónia Marinho

Reflective Journal

I am of the opinion that my personal, social and professional skills developed so far due to this mobility have improved my English proficiency and the innovating teaching techniques will imply a much more collaborative and cooperative work in my reality. I am going to incorporate what I have learnt into my teaching by the end of the school term.

The technological tools to be applied to my lessons will surely help me develop autonomy, creativity and above all prepare my students for the relevant responsibilities and challenges they will come across in their professional and personal path.

I am very grateful for the highly professional staff I have worked with, which applies to the lively European colleagues as well.

I would like to acknowledge the director´s special kindness and ability to promote the best possible atmosphere among everybody and also his outstanding cultural background. Thank you, Professor Eduardo Marín!

Maria Antónia Marinho.
JAÉN, 18th February 2018.


English & Methodology: A 21st Century Approach for English Teachers

University of JAÉN & Granada, Spain

11th to 17th February, 2018

Esta mobilidade contribuiu, através de um trabalho verdadeiramente colaborativo e cooperativo,  para o desenvolvimento de várias competências a nível profissional, designadamente a abordagem de metodologias no âmbito de "Nice Teaching" (Neurolinguistic  Programming) e o conhecimento de ferramentas digitais que permitem a participação mais ativa dos alunos em contexto de sala de aula.


Coordenadora dos projetos Erasmus: Laura Pinheiro


Escola Secundária/3 de Amarante

Av. General Vitorino Laranjeira 592
4600-018 Amarante
E-Mail: geral@esamarante.edu.pt
Telefone: 255 410 190
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